You haven't come by since Easter. Your mother's talked my ear off about the calls she's been getting from you. You're coming for Christmas, aren't you? The family will be here, you'd be the only one to refuse.
a. stock up on kitkats - you always want more than what you get, just accept it and move on.
b. change appointments on thursdays to tuesdays
c. try to get around to going to tennessee before christmas to stock up on record store day leftovers (ha)
d. figure out costume (or if you're just going to hand out candy - there is no shame in just handing out candy lbr)
e. re-re order more beige acrylic because people have no adventure in them :/ (and pink/nudes)
f. deep clean the 40's & 50's.
g. stop re-watching a different world. just stop.
g 2. ron's end will never be what you want it to be.
h. get rid of the mason jars. we are not that person.
i. call your sister. no, really call, don't just leave a lame message.
j. get more honey chicken and crystal pepsi to pack for lunches, that's been working really well. (sarcasm)
k. go and run. you hate it, but it's better than actually working out.
l. prepare for hoodie season.
m. watch the spooky movies but also ant-man.
zed. realize that your lists are actually really lame - because they are.